Whats Old is New – Tips for Physician Authors

We may sound like a broken record, but there are few better tools to help a physician establish online thought leadership and credibility than writing. The blog happens to be the most accessible publishing platform, so we spend a lot of time advocating that physicians consider writing a blog. One of the biggest concerns of potential authors is the idea that they have nothing to say. While there is lo lack of new clinical material on which physician may write about, comment on and so forth, the vast majority of physician bloggers do very little writing on cutting edge clinical topics. Rather, the ones that tend to develop strong patient followings (ex. Doctor Val Jones) do a great job taking clinical topics and posting material that makes the information accessible to the average consumer.

I want to share a blog post submitted to Problogger.net by Stephen Guise of Deep Existence. His post entitled Everything’s Already Been Said. Now What? offers some solid perspective debunking the notion that all writing has to be original thought. It’s worth a read if you have reservations about having to come up with ideas for content every time you sit down to write your blog.

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